Clinical Brain
By MedicineOne
Our goal: Zero Clinical Errors

Clinical error is a real
and impactful problem
Clinical error, in all its forms, is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide every year. The study Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US, published by BMJ in 2016, describes the North American reality, where around 250 000 deaths occur annually caused by clinical errors of any kind. To these extreme numbers, we can add hundreds of thousands of errors that, although do not lead to death, have severe consequences for patients and represent an increased financial burden for health systems. In England, according to the study Economic analysis of the prevalence and clinical and economic burden of medication error in England (2020, Jun) over 237 million medication-related errors occur annually, and of these, avoidable errors alone represent a cost of more than €110 million and over 181 000 hospitalisations.
Ending Avoidable Clinical Error with Clinical Brain
The causes for avoidable medical error are not the incapacity of professionals, but rather the enormous complexity that healthcare delivery involves. There is nothing more complex than the human body and no profession more difficult than that of the doctor. That’s why professionals need good technology support when making critical decisions.
Discover all the features
To help decrease clinical error, we created Clinical Brain, a Cloud-based, clinical intelligence platform that supports health care providers when making the most important decisions. MedicineOne Clinical Brain can be integrated by any EHR on the market, proactively detecting:
The system issues an alert whenever there are interactions between prescription drugs
Whenever medication incompatibilities exist, a warning is issued
LASA medication alert - look alike, sound alike.
Relevant contraindications are also taken into account
Alerts to acknowledge patient's allergies to a certain component
Different Dosages
A message is triggered that draws attention to the different dosages of the medication
Important Warnings
Essential to avoid situations of potential danger to the patient
Follow-up Protocols
Whenever medication incompatibilities exist, a warning is issued
Prescription Guidelines
These support systems also have built-in prescribing guidelines, supporting physicians.
About CB
Clinical Brain is based on databases consisting of the drug SmPCs and data based on the latest evidence, updated daily. Whenever a potential adverse event is detected, an alert is issued to the health professional, identifying the reasons, their criticality and, whenever possible, providing advice to the professional.

Why does it matter?
The role of Clinical Brain is thus of extreme importance in the daily lives of physicians and institutions to:
Reduce clinical error
Increase the safety of physicians and customers
Contribute to the continuous training of health care providers
Reducing the cost of health care
Introduce gains in health
Saving Lives!
Our results in Portugal
Clinical Brain is already used in the M1 universe, serving more than 15 000 doctors daily in Portugal. In the last 6 years, the system has acted on 97 million prescriptions, with the following results:

Continuous professionals training
In addition to the prescription qualification effect, Clinical Brain also contributes to the continuing training of doctors to make them aware of severe and moderate interactions. In the last 6 years, in the Portuguese medical community that uses the M1, there has been a constant decrease in the rate of prescriptions that generate potential serious adverse events, thus showing the training achieved by providers with the help of the system. The rate of prescriptions that generate serious interactions dropped from 17.3% in 2017 to 10.2% in 2022.

Clinical Brain & Value Based Healthcare
Value Based Healthcare (VBH) will introduce a payment model that will take into account the results obtained and not just the work done. With it, the clinical error becomes of double importance, as it will directly affect the remuneration of the act. It is therefore essential that professionals are supported in all critical decisions to reduce error, increase patient safety and maximize health gains.